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Table 2 Pearson correlation coefficients between metabolomics signatures and legume consumption

From: Plasma metabolite profile of legume consumption and future risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease


Baseline data

Internal validation population (Year 1 data in PREDIMED)

Pearson correlation with metabolomic signature (95% CI)

Total No. Metabolitesa

No. of metabolites with positive coefficients

No. of metabolites with negative coefficients

Pearson correlation (95% CI)

Total legumes, g/db

0.17 (0.12, 0.23)




0.15 (0.10, 0.19)

  1. CI confidence interval, PREDIMED PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea
  2. aMetabolite coefficients obtained 10 times in the cross-validation procedure for the elastic net continuous approach. Results using the lambda.min option
  3. bAdjusted for total energy intake using the residual method