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Fig. 4 | Cardiovascular Diabetology

Fig. 4

From: Non-coding RNA-mediated endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition in human diabetic cardiomyopathy, potential regulation by DNA methylation

Fig. 4

A schematic outlining the proposed mechanisms through which hyperglycemia promotes EndMT in DCM. The proposed mechanism involves high glucose inducing changes in the promoter methylations of key ncRNAs, leading to altered expressions, and resulting in EndMT in DCM. miRNAs are further modulated by lncRNAs, which may act as miRNA sponges, or may target different forms of epigenetic modifications to the genetic loci of miRNAs, such as the suppression of miR-9 by ZFAS1-guided PRC2-mediated histone methylation

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