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Fig. 3 | Cardiovascular Diabetology

Fig. 3

From: The triglyceride-glucose index is a predictor for cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in CVD patients with diabetes or pre-diabetes: evidence from NHANES 2001–2018

Fig. 3

Association between TyG index and all-cause (A) and CVD mortality (B) in CVD patients with diabetes. Each hazard ratio was computed with a TyG index level of A 9.08 and B 9.08 as the reference. Association between TyG index and all-cause (C) and CVD mortality (D) in CVD patients with pre-diabetes. Each hazard ratio was computed with a TyG index level of A 8.97 and B 8.85 as the reference. Adjusted for age, gender, race, BMI, tobacco use, alcohol use, education, hypertension, family income-poverty ratio. The solid line and red area represent the estimated values and their corresponding 95% CIs, respectively (TyG index: triglyceride-glucose index; CVD: cardiovascular disease)

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