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Fig. 4 | Cardiovascular Diabetology

Fig. 4

From: Klotho inhibits renal ox-LDL deposition via IGF-1R/RAC1/OLR1 signaling to ameliorate podocyte injury in diabetic kidney disease

Fig. 4

RAC1 specifically targeted OLR1 expression in response to the deficiency of Klotho in DKD. A IF staining was conducted to detect the expression of OLR1, SR-A1 and CD36 in renal biopsies from DKD patients. B Western blot analysis was conducted to determine the levels of ox-LDL receptor proteins, including OLR1, SR-A1, and CD36, in kidneys from WT DKD, KL+/− DKD and TgKL DKD were subjected to western blot analysis. C IF staining using WT1 and Nephrin was employed to determine whether OLR1 in podocytes of both DKD renal biopsies and the mouse model. D IF analysis using WT1 and Nephrin was conducted to evaluate the impact of Klotho on OLR1 expression in podocytes of WT DKD, KL+/− DKD and TgKL DKD, respectively. E Western blot analysis of the expression of OLR1, Podocin and Cleaved Caspase3 by administration of the inhibitor (1A-116) and agonist (DA-MED) of RAC1 on KL+/− DKD and TgKL DKD, respectively. F Representative western blot and summarized data showing the effects of administration of the inhibitor (1A-116) and agonist (DA-MED) of RAC1 in the absence or presence of Klotho on the relative protein levels of OLR1, Podocin, WT1 and Cleaved Caspase3. ns no significant; **P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001

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