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Fig. 3 | Cardiovascular Diabetology

Fig. 3

From: Transitioning from having no metabolic abnormality nor obesity to metabolic impairment in a cohort of apparently healthy adults

Fig. 3

Intersections of single metabolic components and elevated hs-CRP in consistent metabolic impairment and transition to metabolic impairment. Distribution of single metabolic components and hs-CRP on the 2nd visit as Euler diagrams in the consistent metabolically impaired group and the group that became metabolically impaired after a 4.8-year follow-up. The white circle/ellipse on both groups' diagrams represents the entire follow-up population (7759, 100%). Each colored circle/ellipse represents the adjusted prevalence of a metabolic component or CRP of the relevant group respectively as measured on the second visit. Grey- elevated glucose levels, blue- hypertension, pink- elevated triglycerides, yellow- high waist circumference, red- low HDL-C, and green- elevated CRP. The upper left section describes the group that was consistently metabolically impaired on both visits, while the lower right section describes the group that became metabolically impaired on the second visit. Diagram error values: 0.00

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